Personal Budget Simulator
Manage a budget, expenses, and real-life adulting scenarios in one magical simulation. Coming January 2025.

Gamify Financial Scenarios
Dive into a hands-on approach to understanding personal finances and the impact of daily choices in a dynamic simulation.

Manage a Budget
Manage a virtual budget, track income and expenses, and make key financial decisions - all in an interactive environment.

Build Financial Wellness
Set and achieve realistic financial goals, make the right decisions, and learn how to prioritize and allocate resources effectively.
Gamifying financial education
Manage a virtual budget, make financial decisions, and face real-life financial scenarios

Simulate Through All Stages of Life

High School Student
16 y/o

College Student
20 y/o

Early Adulthood
30 y/o

Late Adulthood
50 y/o
Designed to Engage
All Learners
Empower students to navigate their financial future with confidence through our engaging and accessible financial literacy solutions.

Learning everything financial literacy
Gamifying Career & Technical Education
BudgetBot AI
AI expert with real financial advice
Increasing retention rates of financial skills

Track expenditures and build credit
Learn how to manage different types of bank accounts, read bank statements, and build a credit score
Live within financial means and goals
Track earnings and expenditures, balancings wants and needs