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The Top 5 Personal Finance Curriculum Resources Every High School Needs

In the ever-changing landscape of education, the importance of personal finance and financial literacy has taken center stage. With more states mandating personal financial credits for high school graduation, schools and teachers are on the hunt for valuable resources to equip students with essential financial skills.

Here are the top five personal finance curriculum resources that are reshaping the way students learn about managing money:

1. Intertwined

When it comes to cutting-edge financial education, Intertwined stands out as a leader in providing innovative resources for schools. With a focus on interactive simulations and real-world assessments, Intertwined offers a comprehensive curriculum that engages students in practical financial scenarios. The platform's analytics and performance-tracking tools enable teachers to monitor student progress effectively, making it a must-have resource for any high school aiming to enhance financial literacy.

In partnership with Microsoft, Intertwined leverages generative artificial intelligence (Generative AI) to personalize and gamify the learning experience. As an all-in-one platform, Intertwined provides standards-aligned curriculum content, adaptive assessment tools, and simulations to truly immerse students in real-life financial concepts and applications.

Further, Intertwined recognizes that schools around the world are facing budget constraints. To combat limited budget space, Intertwined allows for Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) funding. Not sure what it is? The CRA is a federal law passed in 1977 that requires banks and financial institutions to reinvest financial literacy resources into the communities that they serve. When schools have limited funding, Intertwined helps schools secure a bank sponsor to cover costs, the schools receive Intertwined's resources for free, and Intertwined generates their revenue.

The best part? Intertwined was originally founded by high school teenagers Kerry Ao and Naina Muvva, who were both recognized on the 2024 Forbes 30 Under 30 list as 19-year-olds! Intertwined itself has been recognized as a 2024 Transformative Tech of the Year Finalist for Transform and won a 2023 TechPoint Mira Award for innovation and entrepreneurship.


  • Online platform with a comprehensive standards-aligned curriculum and learning content.

  • Leverages generative AI to personalize and gamify the learning experience for students.

  • Immerses students in real-life financial applications and simulations.


  • Relatively new resource (about 2 years old).

  • Requires computer and internet access for both teachers and students. However, Teaching Supplements such as Lesson Plans, Presentations, and Worksheets are available as well.

2. EverFi

EverFi is a popular online platform that offers interactive modules on financial literacy, catering specifically to high school students. The platform covers various topics, including budgeting, banking, investing, and more, in an engaging and user-friendly format. By incorporating short simulations and interactive activities, EverFi makes learning about personal finance both educational and enjoyable.


  • Online platform with standards-aligned curriculum and learning content.

  • Student-friendly and engaging for students.


  • Teachers complain about how limited the content can be, with only 3.5 hours worth of materials and resources.

  • Requires computer and internet access for both teachers and students.

  • Some materials can seem "childish" for older students.

3. Money Smart from the FDIC

Money Smart is a program developed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) that provides a wealth of resources for educators looking to incorporate financial education into their curriculum. The program offers a range of tools, including lesson plans, activities, and online courses, designed to teach students about various aspects of personal finance. With a focus on practical knowledge and real-life applications, Money Smart is an invaluable resource for high schools seeking to empower students with essential financial skills.


  • A program developed by the federal government, FDIC, and CFPB.

  • Build financial skills through knowledge and practice.

  • Expansive standards-aligned lesson plans and activities.


  • Primarily paper-based with little online interaction.

  • Difficult to find and locate resources.

4. Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF)

Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) is a non-profit organization that provides free resources and curriculum to promote financial literacy among high school students. NGPF offers a comprehensive library of lesson plans, activities, and projects designed to make financial concepts relevant and accessible to teenagers. With a focus on real-world applications and hands-on learning, NGPF equips students with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed financial decisions. The platform also offers teacher training and support to help educators effectively implement the curriculum in their classrooms.


  • Detailed standards-aligned lesson plans and activities.

  • Large organization lobbying for financial education in states across the United States.


  • Primarily paper-based. Limited online interaction other than the teacher's Nearpod.

  • No method or way to track student progress online.

5. Banzai

Banzai is an online platform that offers interactive financial literacy programs for high school students. Through real-life simulations and interactive games, Banzai helps students learn about budgeting, saving, investing, and more in a fun and engaging way. The platform also features pre-assessments, post-assessments, and reporting tools that allow teachers to track student progress and performance effectively. With a focus on experiential learning and practical application, Banzai provides a hands-on approach to financial education that resonates with students.


  • Can directly embed content within a custom website.

  • Interactive small simulations and games.

  • Standards-aligned curriculum content.


  • Limited content with only 20 hours worth of curriculum and resources.

  • Limited content topics itself.


In conclusion, as the demand for personal finance education continues to grow, these top five curriculum resources play a crucial role in shaping the financial capabilities of high school students. By leveraging these innovative tools and platforms, educators can empower the next generation with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the complex world of personal finance successfully. Whether through interactive simulations, real-life scenarios, or engaging activities, these resources are invaluable assets for high schools looking to enhance financial literacy among their students.

Remember, financial literacy is not just a graduation requirement; it's a life skill that prepares students for a financially secure future.

So, equip your students with the best personal finance curriculum resources available and watch them thrive!

For more information on personal finance and financial literacy resources, visit

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